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Register of Student Sponsor licence and list of sponsors




Мы предоставляем иммиграционные консультации и рекомендации иностранным студентам и образовательным организациям в Великобритании.

В Реестре студенческих спонсоров перечислены учреждения, имеющие лицензию на спонсирование студентов-мигрантов по маршрутам «Студент» и «Ребенок-студент». Он включает информацию о категории студентов, которых они имеют лицензию спонсировать, и их рейтинге спонсорства.

The Importance of Being on the Student Sponsor Register

Choosing the right sponsor is critical for the success of a student's visa application. Only educational institutions listed on the UK student sponsor register can legally sponsor international students. This means they are authorised to provide the necessary documentation that students need to apply for a visa.

The UK government maintains strict regulations to ensure that these institutions meet specific standards in supporting international students. Sponsors are regularly reviewed, and their ratings can change based on their compliance with these regulations.

Being listed on the Student Sponsor Register is vital for UK education providers. It not only allows them to legally enroll international students but also builds trust and credibility. Institutions on this list have undergone thorough checks, confirming they meet UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) standards.

For students, choosing a school or a university from the register is crucial. It guarantees that the institution is authorized to sponsor them, which is necessary for obtaining a UK student visa. Without this sponsorship, students cannot legally study in the UK.

The Role of UK Student Visa Sponsors

UK Student Visa Sponsors play a pivotal role in the immigration process for international students. These sponsors are responsible for guiding students through the visa application process, ensuring they meet all requirements set by the UKVI. This includes verifying the student's eligibility, helping with the application, and providing ongoing support during their stay in the UK.

Applying for a Sponsor License

To become a UK Student Visa Sponsor, an institution must apply for a sponsor license. This process involves submitting detailed documentation, demonstrating compliance with UK immigration laws, and proving that the institution can support international students effectively.

Once approved, the institution will be listed on the Student Sponsor Register, allowing them to issue Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) numbers. These CAS numbers are a crucial part of the visa application process for students.

Maintaining Compliance as a UK Student Sponsor

For educational institutions, maintaining their status on the UK student sponsor register is crucial. This involves meeting ongoing compliance requirements, such as monitoring the attendance and progress of their international students and ensuring they adhere to visa conditions.

Institutions that fail to comply with these requirements risk losing their sponsor license, which can severely impact their ability to attract international students. Therefore, understanding the requirements and maintaining high standards is essential for institutions to retain their place on the register.

Register of Student Sponsors
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Мы предлагаем услуги по иммиграционному праву в Великобритании, уделяя особое внимание иммиграционным заявлениям для учебы, работы или ведения бизнеса.


Наши иммиграционные консультанты не торопятся, чтобы понять вашу личную ситуацию и дать вам совет о наилучшем маршруте для вас. Вы можете выбрать из широкого спектра услуг:
- Консультация по студенческой визе - Консультация по студенческой визе для ребенка - Консультация по визе для родителей ребенка - Консультация по визе для выпускника - Консультация по визе для квалифицированного работника - Помощь по визе для стартапов и инноваторов - И многое другое...

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