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Student visa points


Wir bieten Einwanderungsberatung und Anleitung, damit Ihr Antrag auf ein Studentenvisum die besten Erfolgschancen hat

Dies ist Ihre zentrale Anlaufstelle für alle Fragen zum Visum für das Vereinigte Königreich.

Von den Voraussetzungen bis zur Bestätigung der Zulassung zum Studium (CAS) haben wir alle Antworten, die Sie für die Beantragung Ihres Visums benötigen.

Wer muss ein britisches Studentenvisum beantragen?

Das Studentenvisum Route   (ersetztes Tier-4-Visum) ist ein Punktesystem (PBS)-Visum fürALLE Internationale Schülerab 16 Jahren, einschließlich EU-, EWR- und Schweizer Studenten, die im Vereinigten Königreich auf Grund- oder Universitätsniveau (Bachelor, Master oder PhD) studieren möchten 

Wenn Sie ein Visum für Kinder zwischen 4 und 17 Jahren benötigen, die an einer unabhängigen Schule (auch bekannt als private oder gebührenpflichtige Schulen) im Vereinigten Königreich studieren möchten, sollten Sie es beantragenStudentenvisum für Kinder

Was sind die Anforderungen für ein Studentenvisum?

  • Sie sind Studieninteressierte im Alter von 16 Jahren oder älter

  • 16- oder 17-jährige Schüler benötigen die Zustimmung Ihrer Eltern oder Erziehungsberechtigten

  • Sie haben sich für die Universität beworben und Ihnen wurde ein bedingungsloser Platz in einem zugelassenen Studiengang mit einem lizenzierten Studenten angebotenSponsor und haben eine CAS-Nummer (Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies) erhalten;

  • Sie müssen die Fähigkeit nachweisen, Englisch zu lesen, zu schreiben, zu sprechen und zu verstehen, mindestens auf dem GER-Niveau B2, wenn Sie auf Abschlussniveau oder höher studieren) oder auf dem GER-Niveau B1, wenn Sie auf dem Grundniveau (unterhalb des Abschlusses) studieren möchten

  • Sie haben genug Geld, um Ihren Lebensunterhalt zu bestreiten und Ihr Studium zu finanzieren, ohne auf öffentliche Gelder angewiesen zu sein

  • Sie müssen nachweisen, dass Sie ein echter Student sind
  • Je nach Land Ihres derzeitigen Wohnsitzes müssen Sie möglicherweise eine TB-Bescheinigung erhalten

  • Sie müssen ausgezeichnet werden70 Punkte insgesamt für eine erfolgreiche Bewerbung 

Wann ist ein Studentenvisum zu beantragen

Bewerben Sie sich von außerhalb des Vereinigten Königreichs:

Sie können sich bewerben, sobald Sie von Ihrer Hochschule oder einem anderen Studiengangsanbieter Ihre bedingungslose Zusage und CAS-Nummer erhalten haben, frühestens jedoch 6 Monate vor Studienbeginn.

Es dauert bis zu 3 Wochen, bis Sie die Entscheidung über Ihren Antrag auf ein Studentenvisum erhalten

Bewerben Sie sich innerhalb des Vereinigten Königreichs (wechseln oder verlängern)

Wenn Sie sich bereits mit einem anderen Visum im Vereinigten Königreich aufhalten, können Sie Ihren Visumsantrag bereits 3 Monate vor Kursbeginn stellen

Es dauert bis zu 8 Wochen, bis Sie die Entscheidung über Ihren Antrag auf ein Studentenvisum erhalten

Punkteanforderung für ein Studentenvisum

  • 50 Punkte: (Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS), Studienvoraussetzung, Anerkannte Qualifikationsvoraussetzung, Studienniveauvoraussetzung, Studienortvoraussetzung)

  • 10 Punkte: Finanzbedarf

  • 10 Punkte: Englische Sprachvoraussetzung

    Standard Visitor visa is for individuals who wish to come to the UK for a temporary period of up to 6 months for the purpose of tourism, business, study (courses up to 6 months) and other permitted activities. The Short-term Student Visa (English Language) is a route for a person aged 16 and over who wants to study an English language course in the UK for between 6 and 11 months.
  • What is OSCE test?
    The OSCE test, which stands for Objective Structured Clinical Examination, is a practical exam that assesses how well someone can apply their medical knowledge and skills in real-life situations. It's commonly used to evaluate future doctors or healthcare professionals. In simple terms, the OSCE test is a hands-on exam that checks if future doctors or healthcare professionals can put their medical knowledge into practice in a realistic and structured way.
  • What are the additional visa application documents for coming to the UK to take PLAB or OSCE tests?
    When coming to the UK to take the PLAB or OSCE test, you may need to provide additional visa documents to support your application. While specific requirements can vary, here are common documents that may be requested: Confirmation of Test Booking: Provide evidence of your booking for the PLAB or OSCE test. This could include confirmation emails or letters from the testing center. Letter from the General Medical Council (GMC): The GMC may issue a letter confirming your eligibility to take the test. This letter can be an essential document for your visa application. Proof of Qualifications: Submit copies of your medical qualifications and certificates to demonstrate your eligibility for the PLAB or OSCE test.
  • Is there the English Language Requirement when applying for any Work-related Training Visit Visa ?
    If you are applying for a Work-related Training Visit Visa, you do not need to meet the English language requirement. This visa allows individuals to come to the country for work-related training purposes, and the English language proficiency is not a prerequisite for this specific visa category. However, the General Medical Council (GMC), which administers the PLAB test, requires candidates to demonstrate their proficiency in English to ensure effective communication and patient safety. The commonly accepted English language proficiency test for PLAB is the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). You will need to take the academic version of IELTS. You need to score of at least 7.0 in each testing area (reading, writing, lisyening and speaking) and an overall score of 7.5.
  • What do I need to know about Clinical attachments?
    Some international medical graduates prefer to gain experience in the NHS through a clinical attachment. This is often done either right before taking part two of the PLAB test or immediately after passing it. You can read a full Clinical Attachment Guide here
  • What is PLAB test?
    Your Guide to the PLAB Test The PLAB test, or Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board test, is a way to ensure that doctors who completed their education outside the UK have the necessary knowledge and skills to practice medicine in the country. Do You Need to Take the PLAB Test? If you graduated from a medical school outside the UK, European Economic Area (EEA), or Switzerland, chances are you'll need to take the PLAB test. This test ensures that you possess the same knowledge and abilities as a doctor beginning the second year of their Foundation Programme training in the UK. What's Involved in the PLAB Test? The test consists of two parts. Part 1 is a written multiple-choice exam with 180 questions. Part 2 is a practical Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE). Both parts must be passed before you can apply for registration with a license to practice medicine in the UK. Requirements Before Taking PLAB: Before taking the PLAB test, you need to create a GMC Online account and demonstrate that your medical qualification and English proficiency meet the necessary standards. Once verified, you can book your place for part 1 of the PLAB test. PLAB Part 1: PLAB 1 is a written exam comprising 180 multiple-choice questions that you must answer within three hours. The questions present short scenarios followed by a choice of five possible answers. Part 1 can be taken in various countries, and you can check available locations and dates on GMC Online. PLAB Part 2: PLAB 2 is an Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) consisting of 16 scenarios, each lasting eight minutes. It aims to simulate real-life settings, such as mock consultations or scenarios in an acute ward. Part 2 tests are conducted throughout the year at the clinical assessment center. After Passing PLAB 1 and PLAB 2: Once you pass both parts, you can apply for registration with a license to practice. Your application must be approved within two years of passing part 2. After approval and gaining registration, you can work as a doctor in the UK.
  • What course can I study under the UK Student visa route?
    If you are a prospective student applying for the UK Student Visa, you can opt for a number of courses: A full-time course resulting in a qualification under degree level (RQF level 3, 4, or 5) that encompasses a minimum of 15 hours of organised daytime study every week; A full-time course culminating in a qualification at degree level or above (RQF level 6, 7, or 8); A full-time course at degree level or above (RQF level 6,7 or 8) equivalent to a UK higher education course, delivered as a component of a more extended overseas programme; A part-time course leading to a qualification that transcends the degree level (RQF level 7 or higher); A certified foundation programme for postgraduate doctors or dentists, provided you have acquired a recognised UK degree in medicine or dentistry. This necessitates receiving that degree from a registered student sponsor and dedicating your final year, alongside at least one additional year of studies, towards achieving that degree in the UK; An English language course standing at level B2 or higher, as per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
  • What is CAS?
    The Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) is a unique electronic reference number that is generated by the UK's visa system, referred to as the Student route (which was previously known as Tier 4). It's issued to international students who have been offered a place to study at a UK educational institution. Your educational institution, or 'student sponsor,' generates your CAS once they've offered you a place on a course. It contains information about you, your course, your qualifications, and evidence of your financial status. The CAS number is crucial to your Student Visa application, as it verifies to the UK Home Office that you've been accepted to study at a recognized educational institution in the UK. The CAS is also digitally linked to your other application information, so the Home Office can access all the necessary details to process your visa application. A single CAS number is only valid for one Student Visa application, and it's important to note that the CAS expires six months after issuance.
  • Was ist ein FAQ-Bereich?
    Ein FAQ-Bereich kann verwendet werden, um allgemeine Fragen zu Ihnen oder Ihrem Unternehmen schnell zu beantworten, z. B. „Wohin liefern Sie?“, „Was sind Ihre Öffnungszeiten?“ oder „Wie kann ich eine Dienstleistung buchen?“ Es ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, Menschen bei der Navigation auf Ihrer Website zu helfen, und kann sogar die SEO Ihrer Website verbessern.
  • Dependents of International Students
    As of January 2024, changes to the UK's Immigration Rules affect the ability of international students to bring dependants. The new rules impose restrictions on bringing dependants for students under the Student route, particularly those studying postgraduate courses starting on or after 1 January 2024. Under these changes, students who are studying a postgraduate course starting on or after 1 January 2024, and who do not fall into any other categories of students eligible to have dependants, can only bring dependants to the UK (under the Student route) if their course falls into one of the specified categories: A PhD course A doctoral qualification A research-based higher degree The term "Research-based higher degree" is defined in the Immigration Rules, referring to a postgraduate program that includes a research component, with an emphasis on producing original work. Importantly, for a program to be considered a "Research-based higher degree," the research component must be larger than any accompanying taught component, measured by student effort. These changes reflect a more restrictive approach to dependants of international students, limiting the eligibility for bringing family members to the UK under the Student route.
  • Applications for Settlement by Students
    The Student category does not lead to settlement in the UK. The length of time that you may stay in the UK will vary according to the type of course that you will be studying. If you are 18 years old or over and your course is at degree level, you will usually be able to stay in the UK as a Student for up to 5 years. If your course is below degree level, you will usually be able to stay in the UK on the Student route for up to 2 years. There are exceptions to the above rule, including, for certain subjects such as architecture, medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine and science, law and some music courses. Student Visa holders may be eligible to extend their stay into other immigration routes which can lead to settlement. If you have spent 10 years continuously and lawfully in the UK then you may qualify for indefinite leave to remain on the basis of 10 years Long Residence.

Um Ihren Antrag auf ein britisches Studentenvisum zu besprechen, wenden Sie sich bitte an unsere Anwälte für Studentenvisa unter+44 7513621625oder vereinbaren Sie unten einen Beratungstermin.

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